20th Anniversary Issue
Twenty years ago this October, I founded Spotlight on Recovery Magazine. I used writing therapy to begin a dialogue about personal traumas and how to release the pain to heal.
I began this journey a few weeks after 9/11 in 2001. I knew about personal trauma, from domestic violence, homelessness, harassment on the job, single parenting, and losing a loved one to drugs. What was unknown to me was that trauma would be at the forefront for years to come. Trauma from lives lost, stress, mental health challenges, unrest, and violence in our communities.
Now here I stand twenty years later following the Co-vid 19 epidemic that claimed over 600,000 lives and counting. The survivors dealing with loss, mental health challenges, unrest, and trauma.
In addition, we witnessed the violence suffered by Black Americans at the hands of the police over the years. This trauma finally hit a boiling level with the murder of George Floyd in 2020.
We witnessed law enforcement defending our nation’s capital on January 6, 2021, being beaten, dragged, crushed and degraded. The common word that comes to mind is…Trauma.
Spotlight on Recovery provides a platform for the survivors of trauma to tell their story without judgment. Within our pages a writer or reader can find truth, salvation, empathy, trust, love, and support.
I hope you will support me through the next 20 years by subscribing to the magazine or purchasing advertisement on my site or in the magazine. Everyone has a “Recovery Story.” No matter what your story is, no matter where you live, no matter what you’ve lost, you are not alone.
I look forward to meeting you and others who are in search of a way to “Spotlight ‘Their’ Recovery.”
Robin Graham (Founder/Publisher)
In addition, we witnessed the violence suffered by Black Americans at the hands of the police over the years. This trauma finally hit a boiling level with the murder of George Floyd in 2020.
We witnessed law enforcement defending our nation’s capital on January 6, 2021, being beaten, dragged, crushed and degraded. The common word that comes to mind is…Trauma.
Spotlight on Recovery provides a platform for the survivors of trauma to tell their story without judgment. Within our pages a writer or reader can find truth, salvation, empathy, trust, love, and support.
I hope you will support me through the next 20 years by subscribing to the magazine or purchasing advertisement on my site or in the magazine. Everyone has a “Recovery Story.” No matter what your story is, no matter where you live, no matter what you’ve lost, you are not alone.
I look forward to meeting you and others who are in search of a way to “Spotlight Their Recovery.”
Robin Graham